Adaptation to Climate Change

Adaptation to Climate Change is the fourth of five modules which look to explain the foundational concepts behind climate change. These include the science, the impacts and the action. Climate change is a global concern and as time goes on, we are seeing just how vital action to combat climate change is needed, now and into the years to come.

This bright and inspiring module is focused on developing learners' understanding of climate change adaptation and its importance. Adaptation strategies are discussed across a range of landscapes including cities, drylands and coasts, including in the UK. It is the fourth of five rich and engaging e-learning courses that have been designed to empower learners with a greater understanding of carbon emissions and the impact of climate change on the environment. It aims to motivate and energise people into take meaningful action to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices in their personal and professional lives.

Key Learning Points

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what climate adaptation means, why it varies and why it is important
  • List the steps needed for implementation of a successful adaptation solution
  • Describe the methods that could help our communities and our planet adapt to the changing climate
  • Describe the climate adaptation situation in the UK

Target Audience

This course is suitable for all individuals or employees that have a need or a want to expand their knowledge of global climate change.

Climate Change Knowledge programme preview

Other Modules in the Climate Change Knowledge series

Adaptation to Climate Change
Adaptation to Climate Change

Looking for More?

Our Climate Change and Net Zero training library already contains 18 modules in 3 different libraries to help train your employees with engaging, up-to-date content, written by industry experts.

ESG and Sustainability eLearning that helps you...

  • Increase engagement with beautiful, dynamic courses

  • Help understanding of the importance of Climate Change

  • Help employees to support organisational goals

  • Help reduce your impact on the environment

  • Help build your company's green credentials

  • Help avoid unnecessary loss of reputation

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