Carbon Literacy and Climate Change Knowledge

What is Climate Change and how do we fight it?

Climate change is a global concern and, as time goes on, it is ever more vital that action is taken to limit damage already done, and ultimately repair the situation for future generations. Our Climate Change Knowledge suite has been designed to empower learners with a greater understanding of climate change and the impact it is having on the environment. It aims to motivate and energise learners into taking meaningful action to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices in their personal and professional lives.

Carbon Literacy Knowledge
Carbon Literacy Project accredited

Carbon Literacy - Climate Change Knowledge Series
This suite of courses comprises five modules with the objective of providing an overview of the global and UK climate situation, discussing the science, impacts and action for both.

It is for anyone interested in expanding their climate change knowledge or who belongs to a team or business committed to becoming Carbon Literate. The suite provides learners with the necessary foundational knowledge they need to help them understand the rapidly changing climate situation, how to communicate to others about it, and the positive changes they, personally, can make in response to it. To become Carbon Literate certified, users must also attend the accompanying half day online workshop (see course page for further details).

Module 1 The Science of Climate Change
Module 2 The Impacts of Climate Change
Module 3 Strategies for Mitigating Climate Change
Module 4 How we can Adapt to Climate Change
Module 5 Action Against Climate Change

Other programmes in the Green Curriculum series

We also offer comprehensive training programmes of engaging and interactive modules for ESG and Sustainability / Circular Economy. Follow the links below to find out more.

How is our online training delivered?

Online courses are generally delivered using our interactive Learning Management System. Users can easily access their allocated courses, and managers can see who has completed the training assigned to their teams.

A platform, learners love to use
Through trending content delivered straight to their dashboard, users no longer waste valuable time hunting for the resources they need, instead, they are surfaced relevant, recommended material, worthy of their time and attention. LMS-X is enhanced by its social engagement features, allowing users to save, rate, share and publish content to encourage mutual collaboration and increase interaction on the platform.

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A platform, learners love to use
Using powerful, up-to-date visual analytics, Managers can easily see when training has been completed, whilst admins gain valuable insights into learning behaviour, content engagement, enrolments, completion rates and mandatory training compliance. This data is presented in real-time and accessible to the end-user via their personal profile page.

We believe that each implementation should be future-proof and continue to be relevant to the needs of your business.

Why choose LMS-X?

Sharon L
Sharon L
EPR Project Manager

Excellent product developed by a professional team that understands our organisation requirements. I have worked with Traineasy for 7 years, they are a friendly team who are willing to work with us in developing a system suitable for the organisation.

Karen T
Karen T
IT Training Team Leader

Traineasy have been a pleasure to work with, from the initial set up of our LMS up to our most recent upgrade, which enabled our IG team to host the Data Security training module from eLearning for Health. Making this training much easier to access and monitor compliance. 

Iain W
Iain W
Learning and Development Manager

Traineasy understood our requirements and had the full range of products and services we needed and the LMS we wanted. I am extremely pleased with the LMS and the service we have received and I would recommend Traineasy to anyone looking for an experienced, knowledgeable supplier.

Sam A
Sam A
Learning & Development Manager

Good LMS and Appraisal Platform.
The software is easy to use and was implemented into our business with very few issues.

Our Skills & Expertise

We are experts in eLearning and training culture, having supplied high-quality learning & development solutions for over 20 years. Our powerful digital learning platforms blend modern features with traditional functionality to ensure an engaging learning experience and seamless implementation for your organisation. 

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Tel: 01908 508 777