The Know Your Customer guidelines in financial services require that organisations make an effort to verify the identity, suitability, and risks involved with maintaining a business relationship. The procedures fit within the broader scope of a firm's Anti-Money Laundering policy.
This KYC compliance training course helps to develop employees skills in KYC procedures, helping to reduce incidences of financial crime at your business.
It's a legal requirement for businesses in the regulated sector to have systems and controls in place to prevent money laundering and counter-terror financing. Businesses that handle or process large amounts of money, particularly where illegally-obtained cash, property or goods could be bought, sold or exchanged would find this training particularly beneficial.
Compliance eLearning that helps you...
Increase engagement with beautiful, dynamic courses
Improve communication between leadership and staff
Equip employees to do their jobs well & reach their goals
Detect & prevent violations of the law
Protect your company and its assets from illegal activity
Avoid scenarios such as loss of authorisation and penalties
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