Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest is any situation in which an employee, has a personal or private interest that interferes with, or appears to interfere with, their ability to do their job fairly and ethically. A COI can damage the reputation of your business so it's important that all employees are able to recognize and avoid conflicts of interest.

This Conflicts of Interest compliance training course describes the most common situations to be encountered in a workplace and the circumstances in which they arise. Written by an industry expert, it's designed to train employees to recognise and avoid conflicts of interest, particularly with regard to personal, financial and family interests and dealing with customers and suppliers.

Key Learning Points

This course will help you to:

  • Understand why conflicts of interest matter
  • Describe different types of conflicts and circumstances in which they arise
  • Understand the main FCA requirements for conflicts of interest policies
  • Know how to identify, prevent, or manage conflicts of interest


This course is suitable for all employees in a corporate or organisational setting.

Course Sample

Compliance eLearning that helps you...

  • Increase engagement with beautiful, dynamic courses

  • Improve communication between leadership and staff

  • Equip employees to do their jobs well & reach their goals

  • Detect & prevent violations of the law

  • Protect your company and its assets from illegal activity

  • Avoid scenarios such as loss of authorisation and penalties

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